北京大成律师事务所(“大成”)是一家独立的律师事务所,不是Dentons的成员或者关联律所。大成是根据中华人民共和国法律成立的合伙制律师事务所,以及Dentons在中国的优先合作律所,在中国各地设有40多家办公室。Dentons Group(瑞士联盟)(“Dentons”)是一家单独的国际律师事务所,其成员律所和关联律所分布在全世界160多个地方,包括中国香港特别行政区。需要了解更多信息,请访问dacheng.com/legal-notices或者dentons.com/legal-notices。

香港“不方便法院”主要判例解析之一:Spiliada案 中国律师向香港法院出具专家法律意见简明指引(二)

前 言


我们首先来解读对香港以及整个英联邦地区影响深远的“不方便法院”领域的一个判例:Spiliada Maritime Corporation v Cansulex Ltd [1987] AC 460(英国上议院)(“Spiliada案”)。


根据《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》第八条、第十八条第一款和第八十四条[2]以及香港终审法院的判例“一名律师诉香港律师会[2008] HKCFA 15”,[3] 1997年7月1日以前,英国枢密院(Privy Council)是香港的终审法院,其有关来自香港的上诉的判决对香港具有约束力,而对于英国枢密院就非来自香港的上诉(non-Hong Kong appeals)的判决以及英国上议院(House of Lords)的判决,则对香港具有极大的影响力,以至于事实上香港法院一般会遵从;[4] 1997年7月1日以后,香港可以借鉴其他普通法适用地区的司法判例。尽管其他普通法地区的范围很广,对香港的司法影响最大的可能还是英国的判例,当然我们可以看到香港法院会经常参照来自美国等其他普通法地区的判例,可以看到香港法院会做出与英国枢密院不同的决定,[5]也可以看到香港法院做出与美国的最高法院相似的判决。[6]


Spiliada Maritime Corporation v Cansulex Ltd [1987] AC 460(英国上议院)(“Spiliada案”)是不方便法院领域的一个具有重大影响的案例(seminal case),[7]该案确立的有关不方便法院的原则被Adhiguna Meranti [1987] HKLR 904(香港上诉法院)(“Adhiguna案”)采纳,Adhiguna案是香港不方便法院领域的主要判例(Leading authority)。有关不方便法院的一般原则也适用于婚姻案件,[8]而由于中国内地和香港之间的越来越多的离婚案件也同样面临不方便法院的问题,本文我们也会简要介绍婚姻领域的两个主要判例,即:DGC v SLC (née C) [2005] 3 HKC 293(香港上诉法院)(“DGC案”)和SPH v SA [2014] 3 HKLRD 497(香港终审法院)(“SPH案”)。


Spiliada案的案情连当时审案的英国上议院勋爵们都觉得复杂,我们可以这样简述:1980年,一艘名为Spiliada的利比亚船被租赁用于从加拿大温哥华装载硫磺航向印度港口。利比亚船主后在英国伦敦提起诉讼,主张托运人的硫磺因装运不当导致Spiliada船受损,请求违约损害赔偿。[9] 另外,Spiliada船的承保保险公司是英国公司,船的管理人员主要分布在希腊,有些管理行为在英国。[10] 






Cambridgeshire是船的名字,船主是英国国籍,同样起诉Spiliada案的被告托运人Cansulex公司,要求违约损害赔偿,该案在Spiliada案发生时已经进行了相当一段时间。Cambridgeshire船只保险人与Spiliada案中的保险人一致,原告船主的律师与Spiliada案的律师相同。Goff勋爵认为关联案件Cambridgeshire以及Spiliada案均系重大案件(heavy litigation),因此双方的诉讼团队从律师到专家证人均需要花费大量时间来了解案件的事实以及背后的科学技术问题,因此允许Spiliada案在英国继续诉讼对双方当事人均有利,不仅是时效效率和经济效率的问题,也是关于案件正义实现的问题。



Goff勋爵在判决中论述:“forum non conveniens”这个拉丁语如果翻译为“不方便法院”的话是容易引人误解的,因为这个原则并非指意味着方便原告、被告或者法院,实际上的方便对于这个原则来说并不重要。但由于不方便法院一词在英联邦地区以及美国已经获得广泛的使用,故保留这一措辞是合理的。[13]


在评估不方便法院问题时,具体影响要素的权重因案件不同而不同。例如在BP Exploration Co. (Libya) Ltd. v. Hunt [1976] 1 W.L.R. 788案中,合同的准据法为英国法的事实特别重要,但在某些案件中准据法可能并不重要,法官应当结合案件的综合情况,具体问题具体分析。[14]而且,香港各级法院对外国法(包括中国法)的判定是对事实问题的判定,而不是对法律问题的判定,即不构成先例,因此没有约束力。[15]




例如:英国上议院就在Trendtex案([1982] A.C. 679)中判定瑞典法院为更合适的法院,即使这意味着在该设计欺诈的案件里,原告将丧失证据披露的司法优势。在这类问题上,Goff勋爵认为英国与美国似乎是不同的,在1980年代轰动的印度Bhopal大爆炸案,印度政府等作为原告希望能在美国诉讼,但被告美国公司Union Carbide 认为印度的法院更合适,后来美国联邦法院纽约南区地方法院同意了被告Union Carbide的抗辩,搁置了原告启动的诉讼,[17]认为印度法院是更为合适法院,但为被告Union Carbide设置了条件——如果原告方主张,则被告应当在印度的法庭按照美国联邦民事诉讼程序要求的证据披露程序进行证据披露,也就是说美国联邦法院认为要保护原告在证据披露这个问题上的司法优势。同理,英国上议院在Goff勋爵的判词里也认为原告将丧失英国可能更高的赔偿不应成为判定英国法院为更合适法院的决定性因素。





但这里需要指出的是,香港三个主要判例和Spiliada案四个案件中,只有香港终审法院判例SPH v. SA推翻了原讼法院有关搁置的决定,其他的案件均维持了原讼法院有关不方便法院的决定。[20]  











1 杨乾武律师是大成(深圳)律师事务所高级合伙人,毕业于香港大学(法学硕士)、清华大学(法学学士)和东北财经大学(经济学学士),被中国司法部评选为“全国涉外律师人才”(金融与资本市场领域;民商事诉讼与仲裁领域),并被广东省律师协会评选为“涉外律师领军人才”。电子邮箱:qianwu.yang@dentons.cn 或者 yangqianwu@gmail.com,联系电话:136 8959 8633 (助理),0755 8326 6693,微信:YangQianwuLaw。此文章为威科先行独家稿件,未经允许,谢绝转载。

2 《香港特别行政区基本法》第八条 香港原有法律,即普通法、衡平法、条例、附属立法和习惯法,除同本法相抵触或经香港特别行政区的立法机关作出修改者外,予以保留。第十八条  在香港特别行政区实行的法律为本法以及本法第八条规定的香港原有法律和香港特别行政区立法机关制定的法律。第八十四条  香港特别行政区法院依照本法第十八条所规定的适用于香港特别行政区的法律审判案件,其他普通法适用地区的司法判例可作参考。

3 参见:香港终审法院的判例“一名律師對香港律師會”(A SOLICITOR v. THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG [ 2008] HKCFA 15),链接为http://www.hklii.hk/cgi-bin/sinodisp/eng/hk/cases/hkcfa/2008/15.htmlstem=&synonyms=&query=title(%222008%20HKCFA%2015%22),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

4“Before 1 July 1997, decisions of the House of Lords stood in a similar position to decisions of the Privy Council on non-Hong Kong appeals. Although they were only persuasive, their authority was very great unless the decision was in a field where local circumstances made it appropriate for Hong Kong to develop along different lines. ” 参见:同上。

5 参见:同上。

6参见:SHAM WING KAN v. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE [2017] HKCFI 1899; [2017] 5 HKLRD 589; [2017] 6 HKC 265; HCAL 122/2014 (27 October 2017)。

7 参见:Pippa Rogerson. Collier's Conflict of Laws (4th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 165. ISBN 9780521735056。

8 参见:香港终审法院的判例“一名律師對香港律師會”(A SOLICITOR v. THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG [ 2008] HKCFA 15), “At the end of the day, the courts in Hong Kong must decide for themselves what is appropriate for our own jurisdiction. The present appeal provides an example in which, whilst according the decision of the Privy Council in Campbell v. Hamlet due respect, this Court is not persuaded to follow the same approach.”,链接为

9  “The key to the solution of this problem lies, in my judgment, in the underlying fundamental principle. We have to consider where the case may be tried 'suitably for the interests of all the parties and for the ends of justice.' Let me consider the application of that principle in relation to advantages which the plaintiff may derive from invoking the English jurisdiction.” 参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/1986/10.html&query=(spiliada),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

10 “In his concurrence, Lord Templeman noted the complexity of the case at hand, observing that, "In the present case, a vessel managed partly in Greece and partly in England, flying the flag of Liberia and owned by a Liberian corporation is said to have been damaged by a cargo loaded by a British Columbia shipper and carried from Vancouver to India. Both sets of insurers are English." 参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为:

11 “Is there some other available forum, having competent jurisdiction, which is the appropriate forum for the trial of the action, i.e., in which the case may be tried more suitably for the interests of all the parties and the ends of justice”, 参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为:
http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/1986/10.html&query=(spiliada),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。另参见:Adhiguna Meranti [1987] HKLR 904(香港上诉法院)。"On application for a stay on the basis of forum non conveniens the single question now is:  Is there some other available forum, having competent jurisdiction, which is the appropriate forum for the trial of the action, i.e., in which the case may be tried more suitably for the interests of all the parties and the end of justice.  Spiliada Maritime Corp. v Cansulex Ltd.. But it may still be convenient to approach this question in three stages.” BAILII数据库网址链接为http://www.hklii.org/cgi-bin/sinodisp/eng/hk/cases/hkca/1987/309.html?stem=&synonyms=&query=(Adhiguna%20Meranti)%20OR%20ncotherjcitationtitles(Adhiguna%20Meranti),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

12 “But what, Mr. Goldsmith asked forensically, does all that amount to beyond this, that the plantiffs say, in effect, 'we wish, for the purposes of our own and because it is convenient to do so, to retain the services of particular legal advisers and experts who happen to be resident and practising in England. Therefore, our desire to retain English legal advisers makes England a more appropriate forum for the hearing of the dispute.’"参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/1986/10.html&query=(spiliada),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

13  “I feel bound to say that I doubt whether the Latin tag forum non conveniens is apt to describe this principle. For the question is not one of convenience, but of the suitability or appropriateness of the relevant jurisdiction. However the Latin tag (sometimes expressed as forum non conveniens and sometimes as forum conveniens) is so widely used to describe the principle, not only in England and Scotland, but in other Commonwealth jurisdictions and in the United States, that it is probably sensible to retain it. But it is most important not to allow it to mislead us into thinking that the question at issue is one of ‘mere practical convenience.’”参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/1986/10.html&query=(spiliada),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

14  “In addition, the importance to be attached to any particular ground invoked by the plaintiff may vary from case to case. For example, the fact that English law is the putative proper law of the contract may be of very great importance (as in BP Exploration Co. (Libya) Ltd. v. Hunt [1976] 1 W.L.R. 788, where, in my opinion, Kerr J. rightly granted leave to serve proceedings on Mr. Hunt out of the jurisdiction); or it may be of little importance as seen in the context of the whole case. In these circumstances, it is, in my judgment, necessary to include both the residence or place of business of the defendant and the relevant ground invoked by the plaintiff as factors to be considered by the court when deciding whether to exercise its discretion to grant leave; but, in so doing, the court should give to such factors the weight which, in all the circumstances of the case, it considers to be appropriate.” 参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/1986/10.html&query=(spiliada),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

15 “In our view, the leave application is not reasonably arguable. The questions on which leave is sought are either based on the erroneous premise that the effect of the PRC provisions is a question of law and construction for the Court, ignoring highly pertinent expert evidence; or amount to an inapt invitation to the Court to re-try the case by re-assessing the expert evidence. We do not accept that the Court of Appeal’s judgment propounds any error as to the purpose of the PRC’s exchange control regime.”参见:CHINA GAS HOLDINGS LTD v. LI XIAO YUN AND ANOTHER [2016] HKCFA 63; (2016) 19 HKCFAR 522; FAMV 15/2016 (23 August 2016)案,BAILII数据库网址链接为http://www.hklii.org/cgi-bin/sinodisp/eng/hk/cases/hkcfa/2016/63.html?stem=&synonyms=&query=(CHINA%20GAS%20HOLDINGS%20LIMITED)%20OR%20ncotherjcitationtitles(CHINA%20GAS%20HOLDINGS%20LIMITED),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

16 “Indeed, as Oliver L.J. pointed out in his judgment in the present case, an advantage to the plaintiff will ordinarily give rise to a comparable disadvantage to the defendant; and simply to give the plaintiff his advantage at the expense of the defendant is not consistent with the objective approach inherent in Lord Kinnear's statement of principle in Sim v. Robinow [1892] 19 R. 665, 668.”参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/1986/10.html&query=(spiliada),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

17 另参见《纽约时报》1986年文章:JUDGE BARS U.S. SUITS ON BHOPAL, https://www.nytimes.com/1986/05/13/business/judge-bars-us-suits-on-bhopal.html,最后访问日期为2018年10月8日。

18  “But whatever reasons may be advanced in favour of a foreign forum, the plaintiff will be allowed to pursue an action which the English court has jurisdiction to entertain if it would be unjust to the plaintiff to confine him to remedies elsewhere.”参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为:

19 “In the result, it seems to me that the solution of disputes about the relative merits of trial in England and trial abroad is pre-eminently a matter for the trial judge. Commercial court judges are very experienced in these matters. In nearly every case evidence is on affidavit by witnesses of acknowledged probity. I hope that in future the judge will be allowed to study the evidence and refresh his memory of the speech of my noble and learned friend Lord Goff of Chieveley in this case in the quiet of his room without expense to the parties; that he will not be referred to other decisions on other facts; and that submissions will be measured in hours and not days. An appeal snoutd be rare and the appellate court should be slow to interfere.”参见:英国上议院Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] UKHL 10 (19 November 1986) 案,BAILII数据库网址链接为http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/1986/10.html&query=(spiliada),最后访问日期为:2018年10月8日。

20 参见:香港终审法院判例SPH  v.  SA (FORMERLY KNOWN AS SA ) [2014] HKCFA 56,HKLII数据库网址链接为 :